Tuesday, October 25, 2005

ok i'm aware

that I dash in here say something and run out. But posting at 11pm is not a good time to try and catch up.

Apart from to say cryptically MY MOTHER IS NUTS!

I'm in a new job which is a bit of an adjustment.

so go here to see cute cute sleeping ferrets.

Monday, October 10, 2005

So I washed a few cups

selected one with a crack. Went to my bedroom stepping over sleeping cat and closed the door behing me.

A threw it against the wall.


FUCCCCCCCK or in cyberspace nobody can hear you scream....

I was doing quite well. Life uncertain jobless but I was managing to surf the crest of the unknown.

I went to therapy and throughly cheered myself up remembering all the wasted holidays I'd had as a child the few precious weeks with my family on another continent which consisted of my grandmother banging on about my size (which subsequent examination of photographs twenty years later proved that I was an entirely normal size for my age).

I then staggered home to an email from my bloody producer saying he'd applied for funds from an organisation where you can only apply as the filmmaker not the producer so he'd put himself down as co-director which is the FIRST FUCKING TIME I HEARD THAT HE WAS THE FUCKING CO-DIRECTOR. My natural reaction was to throw a corning ware saucepan across the kitchen. I was only stopped by the thought of the mess and the reaction of the kittens to domestic violence and resulting bill for feline psychiatry.